
poor kiwi! co. started before the idea was even a spark. let me explain.

what seem like 60 years ago, but was actually around 15, found a younger me coming across a YouTube video that touched me in a profound way (as a courtesy to the creator, and due to his wishes I will only link to that video and not mention it by name, nor show any imagery) and planted the idea of working for something so hard, that regardless of the final outcome, I could be happy knowing that I was doing what I wanted to do.

then came along more experienced, mature (lol), older me and the decision that I didnt want to work for someone else for the rest of my life. that idea got me thinking about that video – and a certain comment by my wife – and that lead to the name poor Kiwi! co.

being in a band, purchasing merchandise from other printers, getting involved in the local music scene, and even recording at poor Kiwi! studios has driven the desire to provide everything that I can to those in need within the community that I love so much.

poor Kiwi Co. specializes in small quantity orders to make sure that cost is not a barrier that keeps local bands, local startups, fans, groups, and anyone else, from being able to represent the things that they love and work so hard for!

if you watched the video, mention it in the email and you get 20% off your first order 😉